Word Game: (New word starts with last letter of previous word )
Scrap...(scrap rules, I am a freeman, never swaloowed rules quite welll, rules give me indigestion and a nasty bad temper...)
Well I hope you...your bad temper are happy together.
Quite cosy, thank you for minding😊
I'm hope you live together in a contented state of bliss.
Look, if you are out to pick up a fight, then I shall bite your cute cat ass and startle the discombobulating bahoonies out of you 😂😂😂❣❣❣❤❤❤
Startle...(cats get easily startled and ooops hairs up, claws out , total mahhem and chaos and the woof laughs😊🤗😙❤)
As Queen Victoria said " We are not amused"
I deeply disliked queens and dirty paws and I actually fight queens🐾🐾
Victoria can shove it and the way she misstreated all her children...shamefulll.
I am not amused...
And I am glad I do not haveVictoria's frog bulbous eyes...
And that's why I loved you..... you say the nicest things....have you ever thought if you have nothing nice to say it would be better saying nothing.
I am glad one of usthinks is wiser...concrats andride that wave mylove...humility or sheer freedom, I learned long long time ago, so go ahead in your shows and fits...