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Talking with people in your head

AndrewJohn1504 August 8th


I'm really lonely I have a few friends and none I can talk to when I need to. My mind found a way to make it less painful, very often I talk to people in my head. Sometimes people i "talk" to are my friends but sometimes I see someone on the streat I like and I just have conversation with this perosn in my head. There are times when I immgaine person I want to talk.

I don't really know what I want to achieve by posting it. I think that I want to find people to talk to or I just want to hear some comforting words.

Tinywhisper11 August 9th

@AndrewJohn1504 awww I'm sorry sweetie 😥 so many people in this world, how can we let so many go lonely 🙁 it's very sad. But you know what, you've came to the best place here at cups,(welcome to cups by the way) here we are all friends, like one big family who understand each other ❤ have you tried the group chat rooms yet?? They are great for making friends🙂 I'm sure your gonna fit in here really well ❤ I'm always here if you want to talk ❤ gives you a giant tiny hug ❤

AndrewJohn1504 OP August 9th


I tried group chats but I think I'm to insecure about my english level that I can't confidently speak out in groups. I prefer one on one talks

Tinywhisper11 August 9th

@AndrewJohn1504 yeah the groups can be a bit hard to get used to. What about penpals?

AndrewJohn1504 OP August 9th


I would love that

consideratePower6518 August 13th

@AndrewJohn1504 There are a few websites that allow you to exchange letters anonymously. I had tried it an year ago and it just didn't feel very close because it was like a random distribution of letters. I have wanted to try talking to strangers through letters or email but I find it to be random and there are not many people close to age. If you want to try it, you can search for those websites. 

toughTiger6481 August 9th


I feel it is something more  people do then will admit it....

I discuss things with myself i am presenting ideas on things can help me get thoughts in line for real conversations or practicing a job interview or asking questions on a subject. 

i have done it out loud and partner after forgetting something came back in house and heard me .... that was awkward but when i said i work out things this way they said they do similar in their car....

If you see the lyrics to a song "flowers" ... " i talk to myself for hours about things you don't understand"

du13 August 9th

@AndrewJohn1504 i’m sorry for you feeling like this .you can try app ai chat or journal it’s really good . I’m here if want to talk  ❤️

AndrewJohn1504 OP August 9th


Thank you so much for your support

Honeybee9 August 9th

@AndrewJohn1504 Hii. I have same problem with you. If you know how to deal with it , can you share your methods?

AndrewJohn1504 OP August 9th



In my opinion best way to deal with this is to do something, anything from your hobbies, watching movies to talking with people. 

It's the worst when you' re too exhausted to do something or you have to go to sleep. I haven't found any way to deal with it in these scenarios

I hope you'll feel better soon 

PastaIsVeryUnderrated August 10th


distractions can be an amazing way of dealing with things! thank you so much for sharing this

Roo2CQ August 10th


I record my voice into a handheld voice recorder. Spill all my emotions out and then listen back like I'm an understanding friend. It's pretty therapeutic. Then I record a reply, whatever I need to hear. There's something helpful about audio feedback. It helps me a bit anyway. Nothing really takes the place of a really good friend though. 😏

PastaIsVeryUnderrated August 10th

@Roo2CQ that sounds like an awesome solution! proud of youuu

BlueDarkAurora August 13th

@Roo2CQ yes and you're being that good friend to yourself<3 ^^ Glad you've found something that works for you.