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Should I feel bad?

User Profile: sunnyangel3333
sunnyangel3333 August 14th, 2024

I have this friend I met a little while ago I had a crush on for a little (I don't anymore), and I feel kinda bad about something

We were having a conversation, in my head a pretty mundane one but i guess maybe not, and in relation  to the conversation they asked me if I had a little crush on them - I panicked and said no cos at the time i wasn't ready to admit it because i didn't wanna go out of the friend stage of anything even a little, and then they assured me that if i did it was ok and they didn't mind- but the day after they vanished for a few days and now they don't talk to me as much... what should i make of all this, and what should i do-? 

User Profile: toughTiger6481
toughTiger6481 August 18th, 2024


Maybe they too had a bit of a crush and would have like to hear you had even a bit of one....

telling them no you did not may have damaged their ego as well.   In the end people going cold in conversation or friendships can have many possible reasons there is not much point in over analyzing what happens unless we are willing to settle it but being honest and asking or telling them at one point you did have a crush.