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Just something

Nityagoyal June 21st

I feel like this situation where we possibly dont have no friends is turning out to be very negative. We still have ourselves and our loved ones. Its okay to not develop strong bonds with a group of people. I am friendly and i talk nicely to everyone but just because i dont have friends it doea not mean i will make anyone my friend. I am open to hear your thoughts about this

Optimisticempath June 21st


Agreee <3

quality over quantity always for the kind of people we have in life ... no matter the kind of relationship we share with them i think... it's lonelier with the wrong kind of people around us than with actually being alone 😅 

its defo ok to consider before making friends <3 

what qualities do you generally look for in a friend?

Nityagoyal OP June 23rd

Some basics like respect and understanding but other than the vibe should match and they should have a similar mindset to mine. Basically they should be growing and not suppress my growth