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How do you guys deal with friends who only make you feel worse?

Blue89 June 24th

Recently I've been quite depressed, and the other day I did not go out with my friends because some of them would make me feel horrible, excluded and lonely. Some others are better friends and they'd really help me out. What would you guys do?

toughTiger6481 June 26th


Going out and trying to engage is a way some of us break out of depression fog.... and each time we can have different results some friends and outings make us feel like yeah this was great i need to get out maybe this is a path out ...

while other instances we may feel why did i not just stay at home this feels worse ....

really we do not have a crystal ball to only attend the good events with the "good" supportive friends ... so we have to roll the dice and take a chance honestly some of the items i went to but thought would be bad helped more then some events i thought would have been more positive. 

BeautifulCurse June 26th

Depends on what it does for you. Some people would feel better alone (me) and some people would feel cheered up from going out (not me, bc the last thing I want to do is get dolled up when I’m depressed). Lastly, if your friends make you feel that way, they’re not your friends. Dump them. 😉

BeautifulCurse June 26th

Gotta protect your peace. At all costs. I learned that the hard way.