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Coping with ending toxic friendships

sympatheticOrange8782 December 4th, 2023

Hi, I am writing to ask for advice about how to cope with guilt after ending toxic friendship. I struggle a lot to cope with it and Everytime I see them my anxiety goes through the roof. I ended this friendship after I found out that they lie to me and manipulate things to stress me out and then they ignore me when they are done using me for food and transportation. I ended it five months ago and they are a couple and the guy said he was so angry that he is shaking at me after I said I feel used by them. I immediately blocked them but still cannot fully clear my head. I saw them in a restaurant I did not expect to see them on Saturday and it triggered all kinds of emotions. I think that I am an empathetic and probably have borderline personality disorder and have often found myself feeling guilty for not doing enough for others. When I express myself often they guilt trip me and that was when I noticed the pattern of ignoring and using when not needed. I feel guilty that I did not tell them in person as I am terrified of confronting them. The guilt also because of feeling alone now and difficulty trusting anyone else. I was wondering if there could be coping methods that are very effective. I moved away as well last week to a place further from where they live. Hopefully that will help.

sympatheticOrange8782 OP December 5th, 2023

Many thanks. This is very useful. The drastic change in emotion is the most difficult as for a moment I feel guilty then afterwards I feel it caused me so much pain being close to them.