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Why my dad turn on all the lights?

Courage1337 March 25th, 2022

I was practicing guitar past midnight around 2am, pretty novice at guitar so it doesn't sound the best. I hear my dad talking to someone over the phone and he decides to leave the house and turn on all the lights without saying a word to me. Which is strange cause he always tells me to turn off the lights to save the electric bill, but the thing is I tend to pay for electricity now a days. It kinda seems to me like he's trying to sabatoge my bank account, or trying to tell me something. Can anyone explain this behavior?

RarelyCharlie March 25th, 2022

@Courage1337 I agree, that's a strange thing for him to do. Did he return yet? Did he tell you what happened?

The only thing I can think of is that maybe the person he was on the phone to told him something very upsetting and he became disoriented. But, you know, that just a complete guess.


Courage1337 OP March 25th, 2022

Nope, didn't say anything to me, he just left with a sigh. I think I upset him somehow.

oliveDrum2853 March 25th, 2022

This seems like an attempt to be passive aggressive towards you rather than directly telling you to not make so much noise at 2AM when he's trying to sleep. Would you describe your father as the passive aggressive type? If so, it honestly isn't worth it to try and decipher his behavior. Since you are an adult, I would assume, considering you're paying the electric bill, you should tell him directly that if he has something to say to you he should just say it. It will take a lot of stress off of both of you as you won't have to deal with the anxiety of wondering what the other person is thinking.

Also, I would consider picking a different time to practice. Most people probably would not appreciate being woken up at 2AM to the sound of someone practicing an instrument.