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Family angry about not attending wedding

jenead March 29th, 2022

Long story short is that my brother in law got married over the weekend. They've only known each other a year and their relationship has caused a lot of issues within the family. My brother in law has not spoken to us or awknowleged either of our daughter's birthdays for two years and family is mad that we aren't keeping communication going. His new wife has stretched stories to make her look like a victim and then says things like "oh is that my fault. I feel so awful. I would never want to cause any problems for anyone." Then will send texts about how she's always here for us because we're family now. We did not attend the wedding due to COVID (unvaccinated guests, our kids can't be vaccinated because they are too young, and our oldest has asthma and a history of febrile seizures, youngest was born premature with underdeveloped lungs). We've been pretty firm throughout the pandemic on maintaining safety precautions and said that no matter what else is going on we would have been there if not for COVID. His new wife asked if we'd like to attend virtually a month ago. We said yes and she promised to send a link. She never did. The family is super angy because we didn't change our minds to show up or remind her to send the link. We've talked with the family is in circles over this and told we are crazy and cold hearted. I'm very stressed out and not sure what else to do.

victorwu3 March 30th, 2022


None of this is your fault. I get that you have to be careful with covid still out there, and you are doing the right thing by protecting your family and young children.

From what you said, it sounds like your brother-in-law and his wife are the problem. They should understand that you have young children to care for, both with medical conditions. The topic of vaccination is up for debate, but I personally think that you were correct for not attending the wedding, especially with children like yours. You can never be too careful, especially with covid still spreading daily. Regarding attending virtually, it was the responsibility of the wife to send you the link, not yours to remind them. It is her fault for forgetting something so important, especially her own wedding.

It is still important to keep in contact, so I would try to build a better relationship with your brother-in-law and his family, and start over again. I wish you the best of luck.