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Brother’s a piece of s***

anna289 February 12th, 2021

Basically my brother and his wife sounded like they were about to have an argument and or fight and I stepped in. The background to this is they’re in their late 30s and I in my early 20s. I live with them, their kid, and our parents. My brother has a history of being depressed but also narcissistic and sexist. It’s a miracle he’s been married for as long as he has but also in our culture divorce is kind of taboo. He grew up in the US in the 80s/90s but acts like he’s living in the 50s. He has this mentality that there always needs to be a man in charge of the household cause he doesn’t think women are smart enough to do anything. He doesn’t even let his wife drive anywhere because he thinks she’ll crash. He doesn’t give her full access to money claiming she doesn’t know how to spend and will waste it. He gives her an allowance though. He literally sits anywhere in the house and constantly calls for his wife to come get and or make him things and he does this to me and my mom sometimes too. He thinks of himself as all knowing and calls himself the Internet. He thinks everyone should ask him before buying anything cause only he knows what is “worth it.” He doesn’t think things are worth anything unless it is to him. Enough background that list goes on. He was saying his wife lied about something she said to their kid and it was just a small thing he thought he heard. He was getting pretty mad over it though and got defensive when his wife tried to calmly talk to him about it. That’s when I stepped in and said his wife was right and she didn’t lie and he just heard it wrong. Then he ended up fighting me saying he wasn’t mad and I instigated a fight by putting my two cents in and that it wasn’t even about me it was between him and his family. He also got mad when I got up to go to bed. He wasn’t talking when I got up but he still fought me over it. He said I always have to be dramatic and leave ? He said I always have to win arguments and be right ? Like excuse me what? At the end of it I’m just tired. Him and his wife have stupid fights all the time and I hear them till late at night cause I have a room next to them and sometimes he throws things. When he does I go out to the hall and tell them to stop or I’ll wake up our parents. I tried to prevent all that and it turned into this. What now?

PeaceLoveandPaws February 13th, 2021


It sounds like you are stuck between a rock and a hard place within your family. I can hear your frustration and anger through your words. I can imagine how difficult it would be to see what is happening and to feel like you are walking on eggshells in your home. Are you able to talk about how you are feeling with your parents? Would they be in a position to make changes or set some rules or boundaries with regard to your brother's behavior to restore some peace within the home?