Recovery Plan
February 19th, 2024
When realizing that you have an eating disorder, it's important to think about how to work on recovery. That means looking at some things that are needed to start to get a handle on what you can, and getting help for what you need assistance for.
- What do you want with recovery? What do you want to do when you are in recovery?
- Who can you reach out to that is part of your support system? This can be family, friends, physician, therapist, support group or others.
- Where can you go to help you make good choices rather than using eating disorder behaviors? Think about places that help you to feel safe, that are neutral places, and places where you wouldn't be alone.
- What can you do to help you with distraction when you are feeling like acting on your eating disorder or behaviors? These are things that you may enjoy, things that can keep your attention for a while, or things that help you to change your mood such as your favorite movie, a comic, or other things.
- What are healthy coping skills you can utilize when you are feeling urges to give in to your eating disorder? Examples are using distress tolerance skills, grounding skills when triggered, or what helps you when you are struggling.
- What does your eating disorder voice typically tell you and what can you tell your eating disorder voice to counteract that?
- What's one goal that you can work on toward your recovery this week?
This is just a start of what you can put in a recovery plan, but there is so much more you can put in it. Adding as many options and things as you can think of makes it more beneficial.
If you want to share your thoughts here, that would be great, as it can help others who are thinking about their plan.
March 2nd, 2024