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Feeling Stuck in Recovery

ashopebelieveachieve18 June 11th, 2015

hi,are any of you recovered from an eating disorder? I'm struggling in my recovery right now and all the physical changes and uncomfortable parts of trying to eat more have been making me feel awful and I am struggling to see why this is worth it. When does the brain fog and constant crying and self hatred go away in recovery? I have been eating recovery amounts since end of May and I've lapsed with behaviours a couple times. I'm hoping to return to Uni in September but I'm really anxious about how long it will take my brain and body to function better. I'm scared I'll still seem stupid and be putting myself through recovery for nothing. I had to leave uni last year because of the eating disorder and I'm not wanting it to ruin it for me again. it's just terrifying not being able to predict what's going to happen. My head is at war with itself 24/7 and it's exhausting.

Eme June 11th, 2015

Hey there! Recovery is a very tough process to go through, and at times, it can seem like there's absolutely no point in spending another day fighting for what seems to be the losing side. You are doing great so far, take a second to note your accomplishments and your desire to get better!

Recovery is different for everybody, so nobody will ever be able to give you a good time frame on when you can accept these changes. Something that a YoutTube video Laura (one of our community managers) posted always sticks with me now, and it's that sometimes you "don't get less uncomfortable, [you] just get more comfortable with being uncomfortable." Recovery can be idolized by people who have made it past the relapsing point, but it may always be a struggle. In times like this, leaning on close friends or family or even one of our lovely Listeners here at 7 Cups can be really useful for your journey.

As for attending university again in September, it can seem really overwhelming, especially if you've already had to leave due to your eating disorder. The future is very terrifying because naturally, humans feel anxious when they don't feel like they are in familiar situations or are out of control of a particular aspect of their lives. Spend the next few months focusing on your progress,finding adequate coping mechanisms, and promoting positivity in your life and school will go swimmingly for you. Take pleasure in the small victories. Find beauty in the changes your body is making, even if it seems like it's the last thing you can ever do.

You are so strong for enduring the process of overcoming this disorder and sharing your story here on 7 Cups. I wish you the best of luck as you continue on, and just keep in mind these three things: it's okay to be uncomfortable, it's okay to feel sad, and most importantly,it's okay to forgive yourself. You are doing awesome.

Anomalia June 15th, 2015

@Eme put all of that brilliantly, and I completely agree with everything she said.

Recovery is incredibly difficult and takes a long time, but it does get better over time. Try to be kind to yourself through it and talk to yourself the way you would to a dear friend. What advice would you offer that friend? What would you want him/her to know about how you value them? What progress would you see that they have made if they were in your situation? It can be easy to write away little successes of our own or to be unfairly critical of ourselves, but sometimes being just a little kinder and a littler more forgiving can really help.

It sounds like you're making some incredible progress, and I'm really proud of and inspired by you. This takes so much strength, and you are amazing. Stay strong, take care of yourself, and keep reaching out when you need some extra support from your family, friends, or people on 7cups. We all care about you.

decembernight0608 June 26th, 2015

Hey beautiful! I've currently been in recovery myself and I know that it is very hard and it is definitely a journey to go through. It takes time and patience to get back on the right path to where you want to be, but I know you will get there. I find it easy to write to help keep my kind bus, go for a walk, watch movies and try and find some control. Realizing that you are worth more is are bug stepping stobe, but you'll get there. I've learned that it's OK to have relapses as long as you try your best to get back unto recovering from it. Like I said it's not easy it'll take time but keep doing what you are doing step by step and little by little and you will get to where you'll want to be. Don't give up because in the end it is worth and you'll start to feel better, much love to you beautiful and never be afraid to reach out for help of you get stuck.