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User Profile: bluddyr3d
bluddyr3d October 21st, 2024

[TW: anorexic topics, body stuff, sickness..]

I tell myself I don't have an eating disorder, I don't think I have an eating disorder. I'm extremely insecure about my body, I hurt it out of anger, because I think it is ugly. It was easy to start controlling my food a little more, since I had been eating only one meal a day for years, making that smaller wasn't a problem. That turned into counting calories, occasionally making myself sick whenever I thought I ate too much, and trying my darnest to fast. I'm writing this now because it is on my mind, probably because I just vomit, because I lost myself in food. I guess I should've aten something yesterday, then, because today I couldn't stop eating after being full. I wish there was a less painful way for specifically me to lose fat, but I can't seem to do anything other than starve and hope for changes. I'm tired; This is tiring. I recently tried taking vitamin supplements to help, so I'll probably keep doing that.

I apologize to anyone who felt displeased reading this, and I hope you're all doing okay ♡

User Profile: bluddyr3d
bluddyr3d OP October 21st, 2024

I'm still new to this app, I apologize in advance for making mistakes.

User Profile: KristenHR
KristenHR October 29th, 2024


I'm really glad you posted.  It sounds like a lot of frustration and pain that you are going through.  I hate that you are struggling so much.  It is pretty common with restriction and binging to go back and forth.  Restricting can many times lead to binges.  

What, if anything, have you ever found that helps you in times when you are struggling?