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Separating Myself from ED

mich765 September 5th, 2023

Hi All. Sharing something I’ve been working on recently. My therapist will often say things like, “that’s your ED talking” or, “Your ED causes you to believe that.” I’ve never been good at separating myself from my disorder. I’ve always believed that I am the cause of everything bad in my life, and I alone make the choices that harm me. It had always felt to me that blaming my ED would mean not taking responsibility for my own actions and choices.

Over the last week, I’ve tried to look at things from a different perspective. Taking the screaming ED voice out and looking at the quieter truths that are underneath it. For instance, I’ve been feeling really smothered by my care team, almost like I’m trapped in a corner and need to fight my way out. But if I stop listening to what my ED is saying, I am able to see that I am cared for and supported by my team, and they are in my side.

I don’t know if this will be helpful for anyone else. Just something I’ve been thinking about. Be well!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 6th, 2023


I think that's quite a compassionate approach towards distinguishing between you and your struggles with ED. I'm glad the realization is helping you to welcome the care you are recieving from the team.

Thank you for sharing with the community, certainly does sound like a helpful reminder!💛