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Hello all m'y name is Justine and i need help for something, so you need to know im not so skinny and sometimes when i see food i just want to vomit.

JuxjuXaa May 31st

Recently i have see food AT the TV or in my phone i have wanted to vomit and sometimes when i need to eat m'y body dont want too or when im hungry and i eat m'y belle hurt so munch !! :(((

KristenHR June 1st


It sounds like a really tough place to be.  Our bodies do need nutrition and energy to run on, and when the thought and pictures of food make us feel sick that makes it really hard to get that nutrition in.

Who have you possibly talked to about your struggles with food?

Who do you trust to talk to about your struggles with food?

I'm really glad you posted.  You're not the only one struggling like this.

JuxjuXaa OP June 3rd

Hi back first Thx you for respond to me !

And i talk about it to m'y moment sometimes but she is like " dont say that im sure its just now cause you eat too munch of stupide things like Candy" this is not really true and this is rare when i eat candy or things like that i dont know if she really understand me, all of m'y little brothers IS skinny and IM chubby this is hard to me.

Any Idea abt what Can i have ? Cause this is strange and Its not every time, i Can eat a lot one time or one week next nothing ughh.

Thx egain and im turning ( 18y ).