Don’t want to relapse
So I used to have anorexia, it really sucked and I didn’t tell anybody. I ended up kinda getting better on my own— I googled a ton of resources and stuff, and I diy-ed it. But now I’m sort of always perched on this ledge between being fine and relapsing. Whenever I hear people mention eating disorders, or people saying that they haven’t eaten/are limiting/don’t eat that much/are skinny/etc I immediately start to spiral and “get bad” again. Does anyone know how I can stop this from happening?
It sounds like a very difficult place to be. I'm glad you've posted. What did you do in the past that helped you to get a hold on your eating disorder?
I hope others who struggle with restricting will respond to you and let you know what has helped and can help with encouragement as well. I know that because you were able to deal with it before, you can do this again, and get back in control.
where do you usually hear these peopel or see them? online or school work? fsmily?
maybe go to treatment i wish i did 20 years ago