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Accontability thread - week 31/2024 (July 29-August 4)

Turtleonmyleftarm July 29th

Hi everyone, 

For the past couple of weeks, Phoenix22k, enigmaticOcean8813, and I have been messaging each other in this community to support one another and share our daily progress (or doubts). Unfortunately, after two weeks of continuous replies, we realized it was becoming a bit challenging to keep track of all the responses and posts. When replying to a specific post, the response appears directly underneath, while replying to the main topic (accountability) pushes responses to the bottom. Although this system makes sense, after many replies, especially when using the 7Cups app instead of the desktop version, it was becoming difficult to follow all the responses. There was a real risk of missing something important and not providing each other with the right support and responses.

Therefore, we've decided to create a new post for each week. By doing this, and seeing new accountability posts regularly, we also hope that others might see them and want to join our support group. I imagine the previous post, with so many replies just among us, might seem intimidating and not leave much room for new contributions.

All this long (and boring) introduction is to say... Welcome to the new accountability thread for week 31/2024, from Monday, July 29th to Sunday, August 4th.



Maslow July 29th

@Turtleonmyleftarm Very nice initiative

Turtleonmyleftarm OP July 30th

Let's continue here: