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I Just Want My Friend To Be OK

peppergirl March 12th, 2019

I don't have the disorder, but I think my friend might. I'll call him L for the purpose of writing this, and we're both teens. L admitted to me that he eats almost a meal a day despite us both being on the track team as sprinters of all things. He looks like someone wrapped a thin layer of skin over a chicken bone, and L says he's just not hungry most of the time. I know there's nothing wrong with that, but he's just so skinny and I don't want him getting hurt or not reaching his potential. Any advice?

WasaBePanda8675 March 12th, 2019

@peppergirl Hey Pepper. Is there a possibility that he's sick, like some sort of digestive disorder or otherwise because of which he's truly NOT hungry? If not, do you see signs otherwise of eating disorder he self-conscious of his physique, does he talk about food often, does he have hangups about WHAT he eats or drinks? What other signs are you seeing? You're a good buddy, you know. Thanks for looking out for other humans heart

peppergirl OP March 12th, 2019

@WasaBePanda8675 L might have a digestive disorder, but I'm pretty sure it's how much he eats. I'm unsure how he views his physique, as it bounces all over the place. L talks about food about 8 times out of 10, mostly about how little he eats. He does seem to be picky with what he eats, but due to me only seeing him in track I can't say how much. Thanks for responding!