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Advice for coping with partner with severe Bulimia.

AleksNZ April 28th, 2020

Rots se the title if it comes off rude, just tried to nutshell it for a title.

I (M/22) have been dating and living with my partner (F/19) who has been suffering from bulimia for the past 3 years, and prior to that, recovered from severe anorexia through her teenage life. We talk freely with each other about it so there is little awkwardness, or secrecy between us in dealing with her mental health, but it has been growing a toll on my anxiety the more it goes on.

We live in New Zealand and we just had a 4 week lockdown due to COVID19, so we were at home together off work for a month and she was about 3 weeks clean, in a good routine, keeping away from the shower after meals and only having a shower as soon as she woke up before food to prevent a purge after lunch or dinner. I just returned to work this evening in hospitality and we had a good day together, before I left I double checked her mood and asked if there were any risk foods in the house I should pop away to be safe and she said no and left in good spirits. I return after my shift to find she had binged and purged as soon as I left for work and she was heartbroken and frustrated, letting herself and in her own words me down by relapsing.

I told her this isn't the case and we talked, but I am growing anxious to leave her alone now I'm back working.. I know I can't do anything or blame myself here, i guess I just need someone to talk to, if anyone else is going through helping someone as well and can give some advice

Minalynn May 8th, 2020


Binge eating disorders is tricky to handle with. You are very kind and brave to walk through this with your partner

I once struggle with BED and my family, friend, partner, people around me that love me have took part in helping me. Honestly, It was not easy for anyone. Many people who tried to help me in this got hurt and worried with me. If I get to go back in time, I would like to say to those people that "Thank you for loving me!! And I will overcome this eventually! Please dont take anything personally or be too hard on your self! Just be patient with me and guide me to put my security in love. Not apprearance . Your job is not to fix or treat me and its okay! I will be okay"

My encouragement to you is that continues to be your self! And dont be so hard on yourself, walk with her and show that you believe in her no matter what. Seek help with her from therapist or special treatment.

I struggle with BED for many years, I was in ans out of hospital for 1.5 years. But my breakthrough come from people who love me and guide me to understand the meaning of life.

it could look different with your partner. And I pray that you will found whats right for both of you.

24Help1 May 7th, 2020


That sounds so hard to go through heart My boyfriend also struggles with an ED (which is sometimes triggering considering I also have one). For me, it was a matter of making sure he received professional treatment, but everyone handles things differently! Getting support on 7cups for any emotions that you're going through sounds like an amazing idea, and I'm so glad you reached out! Thank you so much for being in this community, we are all here to help you whenever you need it.