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trying to cut out sugar from my diet

User Profile: liligrace
liligrace November 2nd, 2014

Looking all over the internet for support forum with thread for people who are working to eliminate sugar from their diet. I did it once. Or even twice. But now I have inched back to sugar in my diet. apples. Peaches, chocolates. Once you stop its hard to stop. I even had halloween candy. i had not had any of that in many years. I remember that giving up sugar is difficult. But if I eat it then I have all sorts of horrible cravings. So there is no good choice other than to eliminate all sugars once again. I am too tired to go through this alone again. I do not like the 12 steps and traditions of OA. I tried it.

Maybe if I give it up again I will feel better. But its excruciating giving it up. Trying to medicate the pain of grief, depression and isolation. Trying to medicate with food. I am too tired to keep dealing with this ED. i am not overweight. Not by any means. But if i were not hypervigilanti would be. I am too tired and worn to go on this way. This ED has ruiened my health by starving. And it drives me crazy trying to not gain back what I lost. ( over and over and over again. yoyo) I am too tired and old for this. Trying now to go back to sugar free diet. I cannot have just a little bit. This is not how my mind works. Thanks for reading, if you did. Oh I am tired and in pain !!

User Profile: BeatsAndGames27
BeatsAndGames27 November 2nd, 2014

You *need* some sugar for your body to properly function, I would try cutting out refined sugars and maybe sticking to sugars that are in fruit. You might get cravings for sugar because your body needs it!heart

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User Profile: elsiemariew
elsiemariew November 3rd, 2014

Yes, I agree. Natural sugar in fruit is healthy and acceptable and natural. Just sticking to that sugar would probably help you stay on track to fully eliminate the other sugars.

User Profile: liligrace
liligrace OP September 7th, 2015

actually its the candida that craves the sugar. Even from Fruit. When I cut out even fruit the candida overgrowth died off ( as much as possible) and I got relief. Having candida is like little yeast things screaming feed me carbs

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User Profile: Seiveh
Seiveh December 15th, 2014


it's actually white sugar and - in general - processed sweetenersthat are bad for you (edulcorants, etc).

Just try to only use raw cane sugar (Mascobado is the best), or natural alternatives such as malt, agave syroup, stevia leaves, honey, honeydew, fructose, lucuma, etc.

You don't have to give up sweetness!

User Profile: anonyTiger87
anonyTiger87 December 17th, 2014

I am trying to cut out sugar if you manage it I would love to hear from you and how you did it

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User Profile: anonyTiger87
anonyTiger87 December 17th, 2014

I also tried oa with no success

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User Profile: yellowHouse50
yellowHouse50 December 19th, 2014

I'm glad to see that it's not only me that don't connect with OA. Glad because I'm not the only one. Sad because we need help and we can't find it. I am addicted to sugar as well and I mean sugar in chocolates, cakes and other sweet desserts. I can't stand sugar in hot or soft drinks, but I love cakes and chocolates. Once I start, I can't stop. It's like I'm possessed. I heard fructose is one of the worst sugars you can have unless you're having a fruit. Stevialeaves have a bitter after taste that I can't stand. I bought a kg ages ago and I'm going to have to give it away. Yeah, probably honey or dark sugar would be best and bake my own cakes. Still I eat too much and hardly have control over it. I'll keep trying though. Some day I'll get it and you all will too.

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User Profile: Seiveh
Seiveh February 3rd, 2015

Hi again :)

well, I think cutting off processed sugars and cutting off overeating are two different things, even though obviously connected.

Other thingsthat help (at least for me): avoiding animal fats (and dairy products),preferring raw food over cooked food when you can, choosing food that is not processed or as less as possible, and in general choose good quality food...alsowhen you're overeating.

Don't judge yourself forovereating.

Apart from this, remember you are your own teacher in terms of what's good for you and what's bad for you. This means having the heart to deeplylisten toyour body and soul. They go together.

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User Profile: sugarFreesweetie64
sugarFreesweetie64 August 31st, 2015

I really like what Selvah has to say. Let me add that your body is evolved to respond to sugar and in our society the food is so oversaturated with it that our bodies have switched to using sugar instead of stored fat for energy.

When you get off of sugar you go back to your natural state. Cravings stop and your taste buds become more responsive.

If you can, try cooking for yourself instead of eating processed foods. Eat at least 3 times and day so you're not hungry. Join a detox group so you have some support!

You can do it!

User Profile: liligrace
liligrace OP September 7th, 2015

thanks for such a health answer. I am impressed with how you put health first. Because thats just where it belongs. I do that to some degree. But this darned eating disorder is so pesky. Thanks again !

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User Profile: astuteScorpius
astuteScorpius February 3rd, 2015

From someone who has been doing this to their diet as well, I buy my wife Stevia (which Coke now has a brand called Coke Life that is made with natural and cane sugar) and get myself sugar in the raw. It makes a huge difference!

Also, try soymilk or almond milk instead of dairy milk. Higher protein and less fat :)

User Profile: Oldlady528
Oldlady528 February 24th, 2015

Real Steviahas helped me. I use it in place of sugar and you don't need too much of it.

User Profile: sugarFreesweetie64
sugarFreesweetie64 August 31st, 2015

How are you doing with giving up sugar? Have you tried to go 'cold turkey'? I think it's harder doing it a little at a time.

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User Profile: liligrace
liligrace OP September 7th, 2015

Nice name, sugarfreesweetie ! I left 7 cups for a long while. I read this thread and thought how much I related. Then I saw that I started it :D

I never did stop cold turkey. So the cravings persist. I think I am going to try a free youtube hypnosis that sounds really nice. It addresses food issues. But is very holistic in the approach. And the price is right. I listened to it twice and was impressed with what he said. The person who made the hypnosis recording asked that people listen to it for 30 days. Just have to get myself to do it each day despite the ADD. Hard to settle down for a half hour of hypnosis each day. But as I said, it seemed impressive to me.

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User Profile: stepkelin
stepkelin September 21st, 2015

Review your daily food and stop eating those foods that contains more sugar.

Sugar Free Diet

User Profile: easyWater4109
easyWater4109 October 1st, 2015

There are so many hidden sugars too in everyday products.....reading labels has taught me that the big bad food industry really doesn't care about consumer health and they are very cleverly tricking the population to death, literally.

User Profile: carefulCity1996
carefulCity1996 October 1st, 2015

I'm trying to cut sugar from my diet because too much sugar is unhealthy and I don't wanna overweight also once you eat the sugar it destroys your appetite and all you wanna do is eat more sugary things I've tried cutting sugar out but eventually that first time I failed to do I went back for more sugar, the next time I try again and I succeed a little I ate few sugar and ate more healthy food, the third time I've totally made a huge success and totally cut sugar out my diet so now I'm up and active also I'm eat more healthier than when I was little back in the olden days.