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im wasting my life

Iliveonbooksalone August 4th, 2022

im just wasting my entire life with this ed like literally i can't study anymore i cant concentrate and i feel on the verge of mental breakdown 24/7 i hate my body and i hate myself so much i dont even know what to do bc it's not like i was happy before my ed either i was depressed and now im still depressed but i dont want to be depressed and i dont want to restrict anymore but at the same time im so terrified im going to gain weight i dont think i could handle that but im wasting every opportunity i get to achieve and experience all the things i want to and i dont know what to do

just venting, sorry if this is utterly incoherent

SYC1223 August 5th, 2022


Everybody will only appear for about 100 years in this world, You, me, or every other. Unhappy is one day, happy is one day, S o why don't we live with happiness?

2aphod8eeblebrox August 5th, 2022

@Iliveonbooksalone Glad you're able to reflect on these things and write about it. I hope it helps in some small way. Sending good vibes and well wishes 🌱

Iliveonbooksalone OP August 19th, 2022


thank you!

Iliveonbooksalone OP August 19th, 2022


i think i just find it hard to stay positive in stressful situations but i guess i need to learn that not eating is not a magic solution to all my issues
thank u!