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Light Obsession

InnocenceKuchiki October 4th, 2015

Well, as many of you know it's the weekend, I usually tend to starve myself throughout the weekdays due to school and such. I ate Friday, and Saturday, but now it's Sunday and I'm contemplating doing so. Regardless of whether I'm consuming or not, I've a slight obsession with desiring to be extremely skinny. I am currently [edited for weight specifics by forum mentor]lbs, my ideal, desired weight at the moment however is [edited]. I'm a 16 year old male, 5'5, for those who are able to find the recommended weight, that'd be appreciated.

October 4th, 2015

Hey there @InnocenceKuchiki :)

Thanks for sharing your experience, that's a brave thing. Are you in recovery ? We are glad that you're here.