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How to Keep Going in Recovery

myaekingheart January 15th, 2020

I started seeing a dietitian a few months ago on top of my usual talk therapy and monthly doctor's appointments so I can finally kick this ED's butt, but this is honestly the hardest thing I've ever had to do and I'm struggling. The hardest part is actually eating, like I'm so accustomed to restricting but my dietitian wants me to eat my meals no more than five hours apart, even if it's just a snack, even if I don't feel hungry, and I'm stressed. I've been trying so hard the past two days after my appointment to actually eat three full meals but I feel like I'm so full all the time now and it's hard to find the motivation to keep eating when I feel so full. I don't know, recovery is just so damn hard and I want to get better but god is it hard to stay motivated and determined when it feels like too big a battle for me to handle.