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How can I stop thinking about becoming skinny all the time?

anthystruly May 26th

I don't have an eating disorder but I have disordered thinking.

So I am a chubby woman, I've been chubby ever since puberty and even at my lightest i was always heavier than my peers a bit. It destroyed my self image for a really long time, I remember I'd browse ED forums and cry because starving myself could be the only solution. It's not like I'm unhealthy and not taking care of myself, my healthy weight just appears to be fat.

I need help to change perspective before it's too late!

toughTiger6481 May 27th


You need to be comfortable with you some people are a bit heavier then others. many different body types out there.... if you are healthy and honest with yourself who cares about what size or # is on a scale. It is hard  changing eating habits   and poor choices can have long term effects and not ever achieve what we think we want...

I have watched some before and after photos of people either selling diet programs/ medications etc  or heavy celebrities who dropped a lot of  weight .... some just look ILL ........not skinny ...not better but like they are sick.... some i felt looked as if at end stages... I can not imagine they look at themselves and say "wow i look good thin."...  

Ask yourself whom you think you need to be thin for ......if it is ANYONE other then yourself then let it go.  

anthystruly OP May 27th

@toughTiger6481 i want to be skinny for myself :<

Tamikiiii May 27th

@anthystruly Hello! I understand what you mean. Comparing ourselves to other people because we think we're the odd one out... I know how you feel and it's okay.

Our bodies are all different, there's skinny ones, fat ones, etc. But that doesn't really define your whole well-being. Instead of starving yourself, you can look for other alternatives like going out for a run or walk or maybe doing simple exercises. Healthy weights can be skinny or fat, so don't worry! 

It's nice to hear that you're taking care of yourself too and I'm glad you are. Keep it up! You'll get through this and we'll be here to support you always ♥️

anthystruly OP May 27th

@Tamikiiii thank you tamiki!!! really nice and lovely message