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Eating disorder?

alz94 May 23rd, 2020

I've struggled with my appearance since I was like 12. I technically wasn't fat but I started to feel fat at that age. I'd eat normally thinking it'd fix itself but I started gaining weight. I'd go days without eating but then binge. I'm not thin, technically for my height I'm overweight. I get nervous thinking about eating disorders bc I don't feel like I'm "sick" enough to have one.

PiiiscesSky May 27th, 2020


PiiiscesSky May 27th, 2020

@alz94 These same thoughts come to me. As the person below said, there's no size criteria when it comes to most eating disorders. This must be hard to go through. I hope you are able to find a good support system that will help you through your journey. 💙

Shanna May 24th, 2020

@alz94 Hi there! I'm sorry you've been struggling--it sounds like body image and self-perception have been a big challenge. Just want to validate for you that there isn't a certain look or size required to have an eating disorder--it's a mental illness that is cognitive and behavioral in nature, and if these thoughts and restrict-binge cycles are causing you distress, which it sounds like they are, then you are sick enough and so deserving of help and support.

Glad you are here and wishing you all the best :)

alz94 OP May 24th, 2020

@Shanna thank you :)