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Beginning of an eating disorder? How did yours start ?

wonderingsoul95 July 13th, 2020

I am posting this because I think I may be developing an eating disorder. I am a very active person training in competitive sports up to 5h a day (pre covid ) I usually eat a strict , clean diet and have had no issues maintaining this for 8 + years . With covid routine has changed and it's made me focus on the aesthetics rather than performance; I've tried to get lean and lost [edited by 24Help1 for weight] kg . Recently I started dating someone after a long time of being single and I thought it would not have this effect on me again , but it did and I sort of 'relaxed my ways' around them eg enjoy a takeout. I lost control of my eating and drinking habits completely and having realised that (and other things as well they just were not good for me at all ) I've ended the relationship. I can't stop the feasting and fasting cycle and I have become so obsessed with weight it's beyond imagination. It's as if I've realised those foods I were not 'allowed ' exist and I just have zero self control once I have a little of them . This is then followed by fasting amid fear of weight gain . This has gone on two weeks now and I've done my best but I have not worked out anywhere near enough due to feeling sluggish then tired due to fasting . I need to get in in gear as I have applied for a role in the army but I can't seem to stop. This post may read as if I'm a male but no I'm actually female . I think the worst part is the sudden fear of weight gain. Any help on how to break this cycle before it goes too far ?

24Help1 July 23rd, 2020


Hi soul! It definitely sounds like your eating is becoming a struggle for you, and I'm sorry to hear that! The bingeing and restricting cycle is very common among eating disorders, unfortunately. By taking foods out of our bodies and diets, we will actually begin to want them more! That could be a reason that you will binge on foods after restricting them. The only way to truly break this cycle is by allowing the foods that you fear! You can read more about facing fear foods here, if you are interested in doing so! I wish you luck, take care!