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From emotional eating to loss of Appetite

VioletSurvival0 December 11th, 2023

Huy guys, 

So I am going through something I never experienced regarding my eating disorder. I have struggled with emotinal and binge eating disorder for more than 7 years now, sometimes I gained <edit> in few months. I used to eat whenever I feel pain or lonely or hurt or in need of love, whenever I feel empty or being swoallowen by a huge black hole of despair. Sometimes I felt like I had to push food into my mouth until I suffocate myself. And it always ended up with a lot of giult, a lot of disguest with myself, and sometimes laying on my bed and feeling like I am a pile of shetty garbage. 

In the last three months I experieced another kind of eating disorder that I never been into in my whole life. After the loss of someone I loved, getting to know that he is going to be married with a woman his parents chose for him; suddenly I don't feel like eating. I have no appetite at all, even twoard things I used to really like and crave, or twoard sweets that once helped me improving my mood. Even when I eat things I used to like, I don't enjoy it anymore. 

I would stay the whole day without food, and I won't even feel like eating. Sometimes I feel like I am going to throw up when I am eating, I will leave the table before I finish my plate. Mostly I will have only one meal per day, rarely two, and whatever I am eating happens only to help me survive my day at work. I lost <edit> in less than three months without a diet, nor an exercise, just for loss of appetite. I have extreme stomach pain all the time, but my physical checkups are all fine. So it's not physical. 

Does anyone know if it's normal to change the eating disorder type from the extreme opposite to the extreme opposite like this?

BTW, for now it's not getting dangeroiuse because I am losing the <edit> I gained one year ago, but I think later this could be a problem, isn't it?

Thanks if you read until here, I would like to hear what you think of this. 


KristenHR December 12th, 2023


I'm glad you've posted.  As I read your post, I think of a loss or feeling of grief of a relationship.  Not grief due to death, but due to a change in that there will be a difference or loss of the kind of relationship that you've once had.  This change can be a loss. 

Grief can cause a loss of appetite.  While grief can develop into an eating disorder, grief is not an eating disorder, and resolving the issue that brings on grief,  could also resolve the issue of the loss of appetite. 

It is also possible to find middle ground and not get stuck in the extremes, and to heal from both binging and anorexia.  It is not uncommon for individuals to have struggled with more than one eating disorder type over time.

VioletSurvival0 OP December 14th, 2023


Dear Kristen, thanks for dedecating the times to read my post and reply to it. 

I agree with you that my loss wasn't this of death, but the loss of a loved one in life forever. It's like losing a body part and living with the pain of it. 

I am trying to find a middle ground, I never stopped trying but it's not easy. I never though I will need to deal with anorixea or loss of appetite as a sign of grief, but I think loss of love could be equal to one's loss of his will to live, and consequently to eat. 

I apperciate your kind words dear, thanks for the support!