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Can I be bulimic even if I don't throw up my food?

waffles163 April 18th, 2015

For about three years now I've been going through this cycle of binge eating and then starving myself. Here is what usually happens.

day 1: I eat a bunch of junk food, and then feel terrible about myself. I get scared that I will be fat, so Idecide to stop eating.

day 2: skip breakfast and lunch because I think I'm fat. After school I then eat a small snack, which ends up turning into a huge snack. Then I feel fat anddisgusting, so I tell myself I need to stopeatin

day 3: starve until dinner when I only eat a little bit

day 4: skip breakfast, skip lunch. Try to eat a little snack, but end up eating the whole frickin cabinet of food.

It just repeats over and over and over. Is this bulimia? Please help me!

keepthatsecretdarling April 18th, 2015

Yup, that would fall into the diagnosis of bulimia. Even if you don't purge, starving yourself is also part of bulimia, its just that purging is more well known.smiley

lalala4444 April 18th, 2015

You definitely have an eating disorder, some of the symptoms are inline with bulimia, like the binging, but it sounds like you are more of a binge eater with anorexic tendencies. I'm thankful to know you don't purge, as that is a gateway I don't wish upon anyone. I'm sorry you are going through this.

HoneyStarling April 19th, 2015

There is definitely something wrong if you are feeling unhappy, miserable and shameful when you eat and if you are trapped in a cycle of binging and starving. You are literally suffering ?disordered eating?! It?s worth talking to someone, maybe your school psychologist or a GP about what?s going on and how you feel, you don?t have to ?show all the signs? of an eating disorder ? or have driven your body to the edge ? before it?s okay to ask for help because you think something isn?t right.

littlestolive April 19th, 2015

Regardless of names, this is something that isn't healthy and you should see someone about! Your health is the most important thing.

Aceem777 April 19th, 2015

I think that this is definitely part of an eating disorder I do some of this too and my psychologist told me that I have anorexic tendencies and bulimic ones as well. I don't purge my food but I do starve a lot and control my eating habits excessively..I think that you should talk to somebody it's not healthy and it will consume you just like it has consumed me and how I've seen if consumed my best of friends..and I want you to try to not do it..easier said then done I just can't stand thinking that this might ruin another perfectly amazing human being in this world. You are more then the choices that you've made and the the problems you create or the ones surrounding your are special and important. Fight a fight that will stomp the disorder because you are strong and you can. Believe this because I believe it.

waffles163 OP April 19th, 2015

Thank you everyone. All of your posts have been really helpful. <3

EtaAlpha April 19th, 2015

Here are the diagnostic criteria for Bulimia as they are in theDiagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)

You repeatedly binge, eating an abnormally large amount of food, and feel that you can't control your eating.
You get rid of the extra calories from bingeing by vomiting, excessive exercise, fasting, or misuse of laxatives, diuretics, enemas or other medications.
You binge and purge at least twice a week for at least three months.
Your body shape and weight influence your feelings of self-worth too much.
You don't have anorexia, an eating disorder with extremely restrictive eating behaviors.

So it's possible your behaviours could be due to bulimia. However, there are other eating disorders such as Binge Eating Disorder and EDNOS (eating disorder not otherwise specifided) which would account for them. I'm not a professional and I obviously can't give you a diagnosis.

If you're worried about your eating habbits I'd really suggest going and talking to a doctor about it so you can get some proper help!

waffles163 OP April 19th, 2015

That describes me pretty well. I think I must be bulimic. :(