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is this normal?!

User Profile: emotionalApple6786
emotionalApple6786 June 16th, 2021

i never thought i had an eating disorder up until recently. When i eat, sometimes i cry...not purposely, it jus happens. Then i begin to feel guilty. Every time i eat i feel guilty. Is this normal?

User Profile: TheMadHatterWasHere
TheMadHatterWasHere June 16th, 2021

@emotionalApple6786 It's normal for someone with an ED yes.

User Profile: cuteOrange213
cuteOrange213 June 17th, 2021

yes, it's completely normal to have a reaction while eating when you are facing an ED.

User Profile: Anomalia
Anomalia June 17th, 2021

@emotionalApple6786 - Feeling guilt associated with eating is definitely common among people with an eating disorder, but it's also a good indication that it is something worth talking about. You shouldn't have to feel guilt or cry from eating and you deserve support to figure out why those feelings are coming up and work on healing! Red heart