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Binge took over the bra

animallib March 4th, 2016

Hello everyone! I'm not sure how to describe what's going on with me, but I saw that I'm not the only one with this diseas. And the thing is I was on a diet [edited by Anomalia to remove calorie specifics] for three months and then the binging started. Now I've been binging for two months and I received no help from my family at all. My mom advised my to restrict my calories again (that's what she does all the time). She thinks that I'm just brating about stupid things. It makes me feel only worse! And now I'm in this situation where I don't really want to be positive, I don't want to smile, don't wanna go out because I'm ashamed of the way I look.

i just want this to stop so badly but I don't know how

DonaldK March 4th, 2016

@animallib Hey there. First you did the right thing coming to your online family about this, we love you, I am not going to trivialize year situation. We are fighting what society thinks of us everyday, society likes to dictate how we should look. This is not the same thing but I like to give you another side. I am physically disabled, and because of that I get stared at and judged by how I look. I had to realize if people want to judge me that's ok. I had to learn that it's their loss not mine. Your mom wants you to do that, but you have to "try" and think what do "I" want. Please know you are loved here.

Love, Donald

animallib OP March 4th, 2016

@DonaldK thank so so much! I can't even explain how your words helped me. I was just walking alone down the dark street feeling so sick and tired (what I was thinking about!). These replies just kicked me in the head and pushed away the negativity (hope it won't come back in a while!).

thank you a lot again! It's kinda extreme how a few words can change so much!

DonaldK March 4th, 2016

@animallib Hug! Dear, please PM if you need to.

BestIcanbe March 4th, 2016


Firstly, you're not alone. I've struggled with addressing my binge eating all my life, and I know how hard it can be, and how misunderstood you can feel. Please remember though, there's far more to you as a person than what you eat, how you look, or how much you weigh.

These are my top tips to manage it. They're not fool proof, I'm no expert, I'm still overweight. But I do feel now I have some control.

1. You are worth it. You're worth looking after and caring for, and the best person to care for you, is YOU! You're the one in control here, but you're not a human trashcan, so respect yourself.

2. You will not get through your life without ever having a treat. So don't feel guilty about it. Enjoy what you eat, but try and stay disciplined and focused for the majority of the time, but not 100% of the time. It's okay to let loose sometimes.

3. Just try to eat a sensible and balanced diet. Small changes reap small rewards, which over time become big differences. This is for life, so play the long game. No quick my experience at least, they don't work long term.

4. If you find yourself having a period where you're eating more and not sustaining a weight loss, at least try not to put weight back on. Over my lifetime I've lost my body weight and more. Had I kept it off, there'd be nothing left of me by now. But I didn't. I regained it, and more, and that's really demoralising. So try, really try hard, to not give in entirely. Just keep a lid on it. Because.....

5. One lapse is not the end. If you binge, fair enough, you've done it. Feeling bad about it won't change it. So see it for what it was. A temporary lapse. Not an excuse to kick yourself, not an excuse to eat everything in sight. Just a one off.

Overeaters anonymous have some helpful phrases, like one day at a time, and just for today. So just for today, don't binge. But if you do, it doesn't make you a bad person, and tomorrow's a new day. Good luck ❤️

HungryforHappiness April 15th, 2016


What if I told you that the physical weight youre carrying is simply a representation of the emotional weight youve been carrying?

What if I told you that it has way less to do with the caloric deficient and more to do with the emotional release of stories, beliefs and baggage?

Im not saying Im right or this is the case for you, but I want you to explore it.

Release the emotional weight, release the physical weight. Ask yourself what youre holding onto emotionally which is showing up physically.

I ask you to be courageous and brave – be present and intentional. Tap into your body and get curious about emotional wounds. There is a world of possibility and growth laying dormant within you waiting to be explored and released.

Then, and only then, will true, sustainable transformation happen.

