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i’m scared

bloodyashes May 20th, 2021

i think i’m developing anorexia, i’m scared of gaining weight and in the last 3 days i lost 3kg, i know its not healthy but i cant stop. Every time i eat i feel guilty and i can hear the voices of classmates and family members telling me how fat i am

LilacKalypso9 May 21st, 2021


Hello to you,

From your post, it seems you're feeling alarmed with your mental and physical health, particularly with the worry of dealing with an eating disorder. You're showing an immense amount of valiance to express concerns with your wellbeing, because it can never be easy to admit if there's an issue we're dealing with!

You've done an amazing thing to reach out to 7 Cups to speak with someone about this and are worthy of being helped.

Although, as a Listener, I do not take chats on eating disorders, there are many who do. Through the link, you'll be able to filter and search for an appropriate 7 Cups volunteer who will have knowledge and/or lived experiences with eating disorders and can provide you with some well-needed support. Just a little note, Listeners are willing to hear people out, but cannot be advisors on medical or mental health concerns, due to it not being our place to give out advice and not knowing the ins and outs of your situation. In that case, contacting a doctor would be the best option if you'd want to look into professional advice.

In addition, our website provides a varitey of guides for anyone to have a look at, one of them being relevant to the subject you've brought up. Here's the link, if you'd like to have a look:

May you find and receive the help you need. Take good care of yourself💜