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i dont know what to do

Iliveonbooksalone July 30th, 2022

i want to eat i want to eat so much i want to just go and eat something but i know i will hate myself if i do especially since i already gained weight and i dont know what to do and i cant talk to my friends about it bc they'll tell me to eat too and bc they dont deserve to be burdened by my constant negativity

i dont want an ed anymore but i dont want to get better and be a healthy weight i just want to be able to eat and i feel like that makes me a fake bc people with eds aren't "supposed" to feel hungry all the time and i do

magicalOcean594 July 30th, 2022


Hi books<3
I hear that you are having some confusing feelings on your eating disorder, and i understand you are not welcoming to advice from friends to eat, even though you are hungry. I am so sorry that you are struggling with this. May i ask, who told you if you have an eating disorder you are not suppose to feel hungry? I can provide you with a resource to check out and maybe read more on it. Developing awareness about your eating disorder is a crucial step in being able to overcome it. I hope things get better, and you pick the best decision for your health and body<3
Eating Disorder Help Online | 7 Cups Help Guides

best wishes<3

Iliveonbooksalone OP July 30th, 2022


tysm!! no one really said you shouldnt feel hungry if you have an ed but the way people with eds are portrayed i feel like if i dont fit that mould im not valid even though it's probably not true

Acidicaitlyn November 15th, 2022

This! I feel so understood