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Eating habits fluctuating?

IronicSarcasm July 18th, 2016

I've never eaten healthy, I went through phases as a young child of being too fussy and not eating much of anything other than sweet/junk foods, then I spent a lot of my teenage life eating nothing but junk food, always being hungry or experiencing boredom hunger.

This past year I've binge eaten when stressed or experiencing an episode of depression.

Only this past couple of months I've had urges to stop and restrict but nothing more than intrusive thoughts but I have just naturally stopped eating as much junk food but it's come to the point where I never want to eat, not because I feel unhealthy binge eating but because I'm barely hungry, ever.

I don't want people thinking I'm stopping myself from eating but I'm finding myself only eating for this reason, I could easily go a day with just a snack in my system and be full as ever.

I'm just worried about the drastic change of over eating to under eating, anyone have any ideas or advice?

Anomalia July 19th, 2016

@IronicSarcasm - It's not uncommon for eating disordered symptoms to shift over time from binging to retricting or the other way around, but I definitely know it can feel confusing and even a bit scary to see those changes happening. Were there other changes in your life happening at the same time as your eating habits have changed? Any increased stressors or anxiety? Are there times that you eat more 'normally' or 'healthily' vs. times that it's worse? Tracking some of those things may help you to understand what's going on and to find a plan to take care of it while it's in early stages.

If you ever need to talk through it, don't hesitate to reach out!

IronicSarcasm OP July 19th, 2016

@Anomalia Thanks! I think I'm gonna do that and keep track of the changes and life happenings, and you xxx