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Bad habits returning

User Profile: Dolphinrainbow
Dolphinrainbow June 1st, 2016

I've been living away from home for about 3 months and I haven't been eating as well as I should, but it hasn't been a concious choice, I just don't feel hungry when I'm upset or angry and after a recent breakup that's all I've been feeling, so I've been eating because I know I have to eat but not feeling hungry (I'm just as confused as you are haha) 

but anyway a couple of years ago I suffered with anorexia, not 'badly' but I would make a concious choice not to eat for days and would adore people saying is lost weight, practically lived for people telling I looked thinner (you probably know the feeling) but for about 2 years I've steadily put on weight and all those thoughts had gone.

so now I've come home and I don't think I've lost any weight , but everyone at home is telling me how skinny I look and how much weight I've lost... I can't help but get that swell of pride in my chest and since people have been saying it I find myself holding back on eating junk foods which I haven't done since I was ill... I don't think I'm doing it on purpose and I really don't want to get ill again, any advice on how to avoid avoiding food?

User Profile: EmoSkater
EmoSkater June 1st, 2016

I know how it is.

I'm also skinny but i haven't anorexia.

Just that : Not Otherwise Specified - anorexia

I'm like 20 years old and [edited by Anomalia for weight specifics / triggers]

If it comes to avoid food.. hmm

[edited by Anomalia to remove unhealthy and unhelpful tips]

I have alot methods but yeah.. ugh...

Hope it helps :/ ..


User Profile: Anomalia
Anomalia June 1st, 2016

@Dolphinrainbow - I can absolutely relate to much of what you're saying here and know how hard it is to make yourself keep eating when you know you need to but don't feel hungry - frankly, that's one of the hard parts about an eating disorder is that it messes up your hunger and fullness body cues.

I think avoiding avoiding food comes down to being really deliberate about your meals until it's easier. Routine may help because if it's an established part of your day or an expectation it will feel more like a habit and be easier to get yourself to do. It may help to schedule meals with other supportive people around who can help encourage you if you aren't feeling up to it. Making plans in advance rather than relying on yourself deciding what is appropriate to eat in the moment is an easier way to ensure you're getting enough nutrients.

Past that, I think the other piece of it is working on the emotional side - remembering why it's important to eat and how that serves your larger goals. Hearing you're skinny is nice, but having a healthy body that can do all the things you want it to is better. Making a list of all the fantastic things that come with being healthy can help motivate you when you want to avoid eating to remember why you're doing it in the first place. And having it somewhere really accessible, like on your phone, will make it easy to reach for when you need that extra boost.

If you want to talk more about it, feel free to PM me. You are strong to have come this far, and that strength will help you continue on your recovery.

1 reply
User Profile: Dolphinrainbow
Dolphinrainbow OP June 2nd, 2016

@Anomalia thank you for taking the time to read and reply, it means a lot to know that I'm not the only person that feels like this, I came home because I recognised the bad thoughts creeping back and I really don't want to get ill again.. I keep getting the little voice saying 'you don't need to eat that' and it's really hard to push through it so just hearing that it's not just me struggling is a massive boost.

I hope your recovery is going well and you're also more than welcome to PM me, helping someone else makes me feel a million times better, I hope it does the same for you because you have helped me a lot 💜💜

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