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Chronic pain

Mashedpotato364 December 18th, 2021

My whole body is stiff and I wake up in the morning and can barely move and have to move my body slowly inch by inch. I have a physical job that I haven't been at very long and I thought the movement was helping but it feels like it's making things worse. I haven't been able to hold a job in a few years because of mental and physical pain. I thought things were getting better w pt but it's worse than ever. It's basically ever where but my hands and arms. I have cptsd and depression too so I'm sure that doesn't help. I'm scared that I'm going to loose this job too and I feel so much shame for not working and other people taking care of me. Any support or validation would be helpful. Thanks for listening

Kasye December 18th, 2021

Oh I’m wake up don’t know how to live:(

Oh this again morning? I need to survive this again and again..

Mysticrose007 February 27th, 2022

Hang in there, don't feel bad if you need help, I take help for lot of things, even combing my hair is a major achievement for me. Take it one day at a time