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Chronic Migraines

InigoMontoya June 25th, 2015

Hello, I had a few questions to those who suffer from migraines. I had migraines when I was 6 or 7, had them for a few years and then they just went away. Back in 2008 I started to have them again. I have been to 3 neurologists (first one had no new input, just refilled my prescriptions that I got at a med check, the second had a horrible horrible nurse who wouldn't call back unless you threatened to call the nursing board and this was after 3 days of waiting, and the last didn't even try. He finally said "I can't help you, find someone else"), I have been to the chiropractor, a family doctor and a headache specialist. I have been on over 20 different medications in the last 7 years, as well as Botox, had 2 MRI's and a sleep study and saw a chiropractor until I couldn't afford it anymore (It was running around 400/month). The only medication that ever worked was Darvocet. I was never addicted, never had heart palpatations, it never made me sick and it got rid of my migraine in about 15 minutes. I am 33 now, had to cut down to part time at work, am in very real danger of losing my job, attempting to go to school and I have been denied disability, even though I can have migraines in upwards of 7 days a week (it varies week to week, even day to day). I really do not know what to do. I have tried oils, cutting different things out of my diet, changing the lightbulbs in my house to be softer and in a blue-tinged light (it's supposed to help). I am not sure what else to do. I am about 8,000.00 in credit card debt because of the reduced hours at work and I still have bills to pay (medical and repairs for 16 year old car). My family doesn't know I am in such debt, I can't tell them. My mom has told me to just "suck it up" and "deal with it". I also can't ask them for anything as my dad died of pancreatic cancer this past December and my sister is pretty much the golden child, she can do no wrong.

Oh wow, sorry this is so long. If anyone has any suggestions, I am open to anything at this point. I will eat dirt if you tell me it will cure any illness. Currently for migraines I am taking just plain old Excedrin Migraine, as any sort of prescription has run out/not worked, and putting ice on my head/neck and just sleeping it off. Thank you guys so much and I'm sorry that I wrote way too much. Thank you.

wonderfulMagic99 June 26th, 2015

I wish I could recommend something that would help. I'm lucky, I get them fairly infrequently. There are others here who have them most of the time as well though:

willingPerson1339 September 8th, 2015

hi there just saw this website and your post i have migraines about 13 times a month i take frova or relpax with a 800 ib,its sucks but i work at nights by myself cleaning a clinc so if i need to go home early i can cause of a migraines i get bord cleaning but what else can a sick person do

inventiveHouse2965 April 17th, 2018

@InigoMontoya I suffered with chronic migraines for over 3 decades... through doctor after doctor, neurologists, specialists, ... no cure, just "keep taking your meds"...

about 4 yrs ago i got to see a naturopath and she mentioned Magnesium as a supplement that can help migraines... Migraine deficiencies can cause migraines... as well as a host of other things, but i tried the magnesium, and it got rid of mine. I'm not claiming this will cure yours, but it would be something you can check into, and if it helps or gets rid of yours like it did mine.. I think you will find great relief... I hope this helps...

Regardless of whether you use this or not, I hope you find someone who CAN help you with your symptoms. In the mean time, I will lift you up in prayer for relief.... and know that i can identify with what you are going through.

caringShoulder14 April 23rd, 2018

i wish i knew how to get rid of my chronic migraines. i definitely know what your going through. best of luck

inventiveHouse2965 April 25th, 2018

@InigoMontoya I had migraines for over 3 decades... went thru most of what you mentioned, from doctor after doctor, specialists, neurologists, chiropractors... and then i went to a Naturopath,,, and she went thru all my symptoms... and i mean ALL of my symptoms.. not just the migraine-related... it turned out that i had a MAGNESIUM deficiency... she put me on over-the-counter Magnesium citrate capsules or pills ... one to two pills right before bedtime.. it actually treated 3 conditions i had trouble with.. migraines, not able to sleep and constipation.. not to be gross.. but i started one pill a night and my symptoms disappeared... and as long as i take it every day, i have no migraine symptoms at all... it's been nearly 4 years now migraine-free... I would love to hear if you try this and if it works for you... ask your doctors if you're concerned about it... I know i never imagined it would be that simple.. and it costs about $6 for enough pills for 2 MONTHS... a lot cheaper than the pharmaceuticals...

Good luck!