Chromic Arm Pain?
I've been having this extremely sharp pain in my right arm for the past month. It hurts the worse right after I wake up in the morning. Throughout the day, i can barely lift my arm or pick things up, even picking up the lightest thing causes a sharp tingle in my arm.. Has anyone experienced this before?
Hey, Shailaa!
I noticed that said that the pain hurts the worst after you wake up in the morning. Have you changed your sleeping positions in the recent month? If not, have you tried sleeping on your left arm, to maybe alleviate your pain? My mother tends to get this pain as well but through examination of her activities, she likes to be on her tablet a lot when she is sitting on the couch. She will hold up the tablet with her one arm and watch movies and such. We noticed that she was having pain due to constantly keeping her arm in a holding position. Is there anything that you can recall that you do throughout the day, that could cause or aggravate these symptoms? Have you tried putting cold or hot compresses on your arm to ease the pain? Are you experiencing any swelling?
If the pain persists, it's probably best to make an appointment with a doctor. They may recommend getting an x-ray to see if everything is alright.
Good luck and take care! Sending you positive thoughts xx
Hey! Thanks so much for replying! I dont tend to change sleeping postitions and I havent done anything out of my normal routine. I think my best bet is to visiti the doctor :(
@Shailaa21 hey I've have an injury that causes similar symptoms. Due to sports I have ulnar nerve damage in my wrist elbow and shoulder, often if I pick up things such as a milk jug a tingling starts in my hand and bruising forms on my arm. If you have similar symptoms you should get it checked out physio really helps control this. I notice the pain early in the morning or late at night I guess because my body is still tired and doesn't have the strength to ignore the pain yet.