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DogLady93 August 18th, 2016

I'm just looking to see if anyone else on here has CRPS/RSD and would be interested in talking. I have it in my left leg and would love to get a mini support group together.

Rollin September 9th, 2016


Hi, I haven't looked at this app in several months. I was diagnosed with CRPS in Jan. 2016. It's in both of my arms and hands. Sorry to hear that you are going through this! It's been tough coping, but I feel I'm in a much better place now that I have a multi-disciplinary team working with me. It's important to get help. I just keep reminding myself that it's important to pace my activity level and keep moving. Wishing you well!i

Anomalia August 29th, 2016

@DogLady93 - I don't know much about CRPS/RSD and don't have it, so I'm probably not what you're looking for, but I wanted to give this post a *bump* so others might see it! :)

enthusiasticTree1934 February 17th

I have CRPS in my left leg and foot and have been unable to use my leg or foot for almost a year now.

MistyMagic March 11th

@enthusiasticTree1934 I emapthise with you, CRPS is an extremely painful condition, many say it is the most painful. Do you have methods that help you cope? What has worked for you?


Listening - One Step At A Time!

enthusiasticTree1934 February 17th

I would love to have a mini support group because of this terrible disease

BwButterflyX May 23rd

Sorry hear dealing with! Lived long time with. If wanna, I am ok with.

(Not fully sure how works her. Is ok share her exmsaple or maybe?)