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Rheumatoid Arthritis

Hi! I just got diagnosed with RA and I was wondering if anyone has any tips/tricks/advice for dealing with it

User Profile: MistyMagic
MistyMagic January 6th


Hi! We do have a post here  that shares one member's experience.

How did you get diagnosed, did it take a long time? What will you focus on now? May e your tips and experience will help others too.

User Profile: toughTiger6481
toughTiger6481 January 6th


RA hits people in so many ways. i was diagnosed decades ago.

At first I was devastated and held myself back like i could preserve my joints and avoid pain ... that was a mistake. In my situation it made it worse then staying active,   Being proactive in reading up on lowering inflammation with diet changes etc.  Many things can help when in a flare. 

I wasted almost a year feeling sorry for myself and thinking of only the worse case scenario. 

Good muscle tone can support joints makes it easier.  helped my get along even in a flare. 

Learn your signs when a flare may be coming on.. so you can take it a bit easier.     discuss all with your doctor our approach in mine were old school treatments only working up to NEW drugs as this is a marathon not a sprint. My Dr felt if i had more options in dealing with older treatments and working up as the disease progressed. 

Attitude was a factor with me. when i felt it was overwhelming ... it was when i felt i will overcome it seemed to happen faster not a mantra but true belief in the power of you. you may find other items that help when hands were stiff and sore i wore gloves even in summer keeping it warm seemed to help.