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Disabiltiy... What is disabilties?

User Profile: Leeann
Leeann September 16th, 2014


and welcome to what is my first blog post :).

One thing I would like to talk about today is that word 'disability'.

What is it?

Why do people judge as soon as they see you have a disability or hear about it?

it makes me wonder why people think people with disabilities are aliens..when were not..where all the same..

if you google the word defination for 'disabilities' its comes up with 'a physical or mental condition that limits a person's movements, senses, or activities'

So why are we treated like aliens..
Well from the research I have donw into this for my work it shows that some poeple feel scared about knowing someone with a disabilty.
At my college I did a surveryand asked people to fill it in and place it in a box i provided. About 70 people filled it in.

I did every box out of 100% to make the statistics easier for me to handle.

But the questions I put on the survery where pretty straight forward and I asked them things like 'how many people in your friendship group has a disabilty'

how would it make you feel if you had something that could be life changing

if you were to be disabled for one would you cope and what would you do..

and I also said from the above question..if you were to meet 1 person right now that had a clear disabilty how would you treat them.. and would you treat them the same or differently to your friends..

90% of the surverys read that people would treat someone different if they had a disabilty to what they would if it was someone who didnt have a disabilty.
It kinda touched my heart that only 10% of these students would treat us the same as a person without a disabitly..

it made me sad to think that we can't be accepted for the person we are.. with or without a diability..

My message to people is that...

you are you.. A disabilty doesn't make you as a person
your personality
your dress code
your hair
your favourte food

that is what makes you, you

and never stop believing that..


September 16th, 2014

Leeann i ama disable girl and you are correct people treat us like shit

10 replies
User Profile: laurlistens
laurlistens September 18th, 2014


I amso sorryto hear that you have been treated like shit. I wish this didn't happen... the judging, the cruelness. I don't understand why a disability sets you apart from everyone else. I really never saw how... if anything, I think this makes you stronger than the "average" person because it's something (in some cases) you've had to work your entire life around. So, again I'm sorry that you feel like that.... but I am here to tell you that I admire you. I admire you for being strong, and getting past what people say about you (if they have), and still being able to talk about it today. So, for that you are strong.. stronger than anyone I know.



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September 18th, 2014

Aww wow that was so nice.




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User Profile: laurlistens
laurlistens September 18th, 2014

I think all of those are great wishes.. I do not have a disablitly so I cannot really say I understand because I don't. I wish I could say I know exactly what you are going through, and I can't. I do understand what it's like to be singled out though, and sit alone during lunch, and i know how that feels. It is a sucky feeling, but like everyone says... it will get better. I never used to want to hear that, but it really does.

7 replies
September 18th, 2014

Did you know I am failing my classes just because I wouldn't wear them. I almost cried in class but I didn't want nobody to see me. I just want to hear being disabled give me suicidal thoughts I wonder how all this goingto god planned

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User Profile: laurlistens
laurlistens September 18th, 2014

I did not know, and I am sorry that is a result of all that is going on... I can't say I believe it was "god planned" because i may have different religious views than you. But I can say I'm glad you're still here and that you are stronger than ever.

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User Profile: Mugicha
Mugicha September 18th, 2014

I can relate. All I can say is, once I was able to get the chance to prove myself (my teachers -and I eventually had one who admitted this- had placed me in classes below my ability, due to their assumptions about my disability), academics was one of the areas that was just really validating for me, I got to prove people wrong, and at Uni I was able to connect with many people who treated me fairly. It's best to avoid letting those horrible people hold you back, so I hope you're able to use your medical aid at school. I regret that I was held back for so long due to my teacher's attitudes, and really wish I'd had someone to speak up for me sooner.

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User Profile: Philip2
Philip2 September 16th, 2014

I don't have a physical disability, but my Aspergersmakes it hard to analyze social cues. And yes. I was relentlessly bullied because of it.

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User Profile: Leeann
Leeann OP September 16th, 2014

I'm sorry you got bullied about you condition

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September 16th, 2014

What so good about being disabled I am sorry I know I am disabled but I hate being one

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User Profile: Leeann
Leeann OP September 16th, 2014

Its nothing to be ashamed off though..

you are you

this disability doesnt make you a person its a part of you

3 replies
September 16th, 2014

I know but It hard I just wish I could stop wearing hearing aids I get embarrass from wearing them at school I just don'twear them at all

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User Profile: Leeann
Leeann OP September 16th, 2014


it's nothing to be ashamed about.

I understand how you feel though

1 reply
September 16th, 2014


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User Profile: deanaro
deanaro September 18th, 2014

Throughout Kindergarden til freshmen~sophmore year in high school, I used to always be bullied because of my disability.

People would laugh at me, point fingers, push me to the floor, throw stuff at me, tell me to go away because I'll be contagious, and verbally + physically bully me.

But the hardest thing that I had to face when I was youngerwas when my one and only younger sister would be embarrassedand hated to be near me or just be anywhere with me. (she's not like that now.)

My condition wasn't severe, but I was still mentally and physically slow and had a hard time doing what most people around me did, but going to public schools and doing what others did too, when I'd mention that I'm actually in thedsps(disability student services) or I just have a disability, the way people looked and acted toward me changed big time.

One time in middle school, there was this girl who I thought was my friend. I thought we were close enough and that I could trust her, so I told her I have a disability just so she'll know and not take me to certain places or understand if I'm lacking in school more than her and others, and she began physically distancing herself from me. Began sittingacross the rooms, deletingme offsocial network sites, emails, and even changedclassrooms.

But now, I'm fine, and the way people treat me or look at me doesn't bother me at all. :)

My physical anthropolgy classprofessoractually told us this in class yesterday, "People/animals who are different? They're gold. They're a gift fromgod. Never blame them for how they are. They didn't chose to be that way. It's just in their genes."

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User Profile: Philip2
Philip2 September 18th, 2014

What disability do you have?

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User Profile: deanaro
deanaro September 18th, 2014

I'm honestly not sure of the entire word or the correct spelling, but from my memory,its, "Albright?s hereditary osteodystrophy." and "pseudohypoparathyroidism + hypocalcemia" I never asked the doctor thoroughly about my condition because I didn't want to know...

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User Profile: Philip2
Philip2 September 18th, 2014

What exactly is it and what do you have to wear?

User Profile: Mugicha
Mugicha September 18th, 2014

If my disability is something God decided to give me, than I want a serious word with him!

That's interesting though upsetting to see the responses to your survey. Do you have any more details? I would really like to understand better why able-bodied people treat us so badly. I was bullied at school, and even now people often talk down to me and are patronising, as though they assume because I'm physically disabled, I can't understand them. I've even noticed the way people talk to me change, once they realise I'm disabled (as at present it's not always immediately visible any more, depends how observant they are).

To me, my disabilty does make up who I am, it's had a huge impact on the person I am right now, on my personality - I'd have been someone different without it. It's genetic, so it's literally part of me, as much as my hair colour, or anything else. So, I want people to accept me with it, because otherwise they're rejecting a big part of who I am.