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Disability Related Growth Path Input

User Profile: AffyAvo
AffyAvo March 5th, 2021

Hi all!

The Growth Path has had a big update where not many users can create paths and steps and then people can choose to follow a specific path. For some how tos, see the post right below this one. For information on the update in general, go to this link.

The purpose of this thread is to put out suggestions and ideas of what you would like in growth paths that you can pick for disability related content. This can help people as they create steps and paths.

Things to include in this thread would be:

- Specific content for growth path steps. Things like short vidoes, images you find helpful or a specific exercise for example, list 3 things you're grateful for.

- Ideas for growth path steps. You might not have something specific but there's a general concept you would for a step. For example, I want a step that include a breathing exercise, or I want a step that encourages gratitude.

- Suggestions for growth path topics. These are paths you would like to pick that contain multiple steps. Examples - chronic pain path, progressive illness path, etc.

For the first 2 points it would help if you could also mention the growth path topic you would like to see the steps in, if it's not for all disability related paths in general.

We also encourage you to give feedback on the disability related growth paths that have been created! Voting steps up or down and commenting on steps allows for path creators to learn more about what you find beneficial! See the how-to below if you need more information on doing this.

We can put up a resouce list on the related disability growth paths that exist or key words to use if there are many. For now some early paths you can check out include:

Affy's Chronic Illness Path

Increasing Confidence and Self-Esteem

User Profile: AffyAvo
AffyAvo OP March 5th, 2021

his inforlmation is for the Browser.

Picking a Growth Path

From the top of the screen select My Path, Community Paths.

From here you can click on any of the paths or use the search tool to help you find a path you're interested in.

When you click on the path, 2 options show up Select this Path or Preview. If you Select this Path your Growth Path steps will be updated with the specific path you picked. You can then follow your choosen growth path by going to My Path, My Growth Path

Providing Feedback

To give feedback on steps, follow the steps above, but click on Preview instead of Select this Path.

You can click on the up/down arrows for the path overall as well as individual steps.

Clicking the eye lets you see that individual step

You can also leave a comment on the growth path overall, on individual steps and favorite individual steps (the star).

User Profile: JoyousBear
JoyousBear March 5th, 2021

@AffyAvo good idea!

User Profile: CaringBrit
CaringBrit March 8th, 2021

@AffyAvo ill be trying to do a disability path shortly

1 reply
User Profile: AffyAvo
AffyAvo OP March 8th, 2021

@CaringBrit Awesome!

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