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Autism Spectrum Disorder

PestoPasta8973 October 30th, 2022

Hey, all:

I have what was formerly referred to as Asperger's Syndrome. My intelligence is above average and I can pass as neurotypical, but I am still very much autistic. Lately, I have been trying to connect with a man who I love and who admitted that he has feelings for me, but he's married...and my boss. We ended up going out once and things went down hill from there because my guilt kicked in.

His wife is an awesome person but she acts like an animal in captivity when he's around. His behavior is hot and cold around me, and others have told me that it sounds like an abusive relationship. I think my inability to read social skills is shielding me, but I still love the man and all I want is for him to be charming and kind to me like he was when we first met.

L1ly0ftheValley October 30th, 2022

Hey, I am autistic as well.

On to your situation: If it were me, I wouldn't get involved with a married man. Those sorts of relationships are just bound to fail. If someone is going to cheat on their spouse with someone else, who is to say that they wouldn't one day cheat on the new partner with someone else? To me, there is nothing attractive about a man that chooses to cheat on his wife and lacks integrity.

waitforittheatre24 November 17th, 2022

That's a lot. Hi I have Autism as well. Reading social skills sometimes really sucks, for me it's a 50/50 if I'll understand it or be confused or my lovely immediate response is to think it's hatred. I know you love him but considering hes married maybe you need to step back and tell him to make a choice if he loves you.

blissfulTouch29 November 20th, 2022

@PestoPasta8973 hi im katie and i have a learning disability and i was vision impaired feel free to ask me questions