Vocational rehab
Has anyone here successful gotten voc rehab to pay for them to go to college?
@MzCompassion a very long long LONG time ago VocRehab was going to help pay for transportation and some books. Something about the limited funding back then. I hope you get everything that you need!
@WeedyGarden thanks. Its amazing how hard its been finding info on this online. The only thing i find is regarding the voc rehab program for vets
Try searching under vocational Rehabilitation for your state. I hope that helps.
@MzCompassion I hope that anyone with suitable experience can answer you. There are many kinds of vocational rehabilitations and not every vocational rehabilitation includes going to the college.
Also if you in the USA the Client Assistance Program should help you to find the resources you need, including help with college. This lists the contact information for each state. http://www.icdri.org/legal/CAP.htm
Hi my friend did voc rehab to get their associate degree and they are now working in their field making a decent wage with benefits and raises. She’s doing well. I think the program was through the county. She is not a vet. She does have hearing loss and other conditions. If you are in the US try searching for local, county, and state resources. Calling 211 is a great resource. Best wishes.