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Supermandamus April 7th, 2023

Perhaps this could be a place for people with Fibromyalgia to chat.

I have had this condition for over 30 years and have some insights as to how to cope with such a debilitating illness long term.

How do you cope?

SilentSerenityy April 8th, 2023

Hey there @Supermandamus

Thank you for your post!

I personally take medication to help lessen the pain I experience as a way of moving away from painkiller usage. I generally go out less on day trips because they tend to lead to pain. I make sure to rest when I can and need to and try not to be too hard on myself if I've not had a particularly productive day!

How have you been managing with your condition?

CocoaCassie May 2nd, 2023

Must admit I don't find painkillers kill pain, they need to be renamed perhaps lol? The s lots of different meds for fibro that work better I find. And also the Paiin Clinic, or Pain Management Team or whatever they are called in other countries?

plumCup3338 December 1st, 2023

Fibromyalgia 10 years here. Trying to pace and live with it. It is pretty hard work. It takes so much