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CMT (Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease) Fact Wednesdays

User Profile: Avaboo
Avaboo October 10th, 2018

cmt affects 1 in 2,500 people in the US and Worldwide 2.6 million people.

User Profile: AffyAvo
AffyAvo October 11th, 2018

@Avaboo I moved your post to an information area.

Are you planning on sharing a fact each week? If so I look forward to seeing more facts!

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User Profile: Avaboo
Avaboo OP October 11th, 2018

@AffyAvoyes every wednesday!!

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User Profile: Avaboo
Avaboo OP October 17th, 2018

Hey guysss its Wednesday !! You know what that means ! Another cmt fact!! Did you know cmt is NOT curable but there are treatments that can help !

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User Profile: MonBon
MonBon October 17th, 2018


Woohoo fact Wednesday!

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User Profile: Avaboo
Avaboo OP October 25th, 2018

Did you know cmt is a nerve disease? Cmt usually appears in early adulthood.

I am so sorry I didn

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User Profile: MonBon
MonBon October 25th, 2018


Late facts are better than no facts ^^

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User Profile: Avaboo
Avaboo OP October 31st, 2018

Hey guys!! Guess what day it is !! Cmt fact Wednesday this weeks fact iss did you know people with cmt have a high arch in their feet?

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User Profile: MonBon
MonBon November 1st, 2018


Ooh! Do you happen to know why that is? I wouldn't necessarily pair feet with teeth :O

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User Profile: MonBon
MonBon November 1st, 2018


Lol, just looked up a picture and realized how ignorant I am! Thank you for this series to help educate people like me <3

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User Profile: Avaboo
Avaboo OP November 1st, 2018

@MonBon lol it ok alot of people hear the name and assume it to do with your teeth and its not its to do with alot most of your body honestly

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User Profile: MonBon
MonBon November 1st, 2018


Maybe next week should be a fact on why it's called CMT! ^^

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User Profile: Avaboo
Avaboo OP November 1st, 2018

@MonBon i will totally look into this!

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User Profile: Avaboo
Avaboo OP November 7th, 2018

Hey guys!!! Todays Wednesday fact isss did you know everyone with cmt doesn

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User Profile: MonBon
MonBon November 8th, 2018


Thanks for the fact ^^

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User Profile: Avaboo
Avaboo OP November 14th, 2018

Hey guys! Its Wednesday!!! I got asked to answer why cmt is called cmt! The reason is it is named after the three doctors who first discovered it. Cmt was discovered in 1886.

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User Profile: MonBon
MonBon November 14th, 2018


So it's not because of teeth :O :O

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User Profile: Avaboo
Avaboo OP November 15th, 2018

@MonBon aha no it basically has to do with youre body and nerves cmt actually includes nerves damage like breakages ! Most people see the name and think oh so ur teeth aha

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User Profile: Avaboo
Avaboo OP November 29th, 2018

Hey sorry I havent been posting!! Butt i ammm today andd todays fact is did you know cmt is a hereditary disorder that can damage nerves in the arms and legs?

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User Profile: MonBon
MonBon November 29th, 2018


I didn't! Is it okay if I ask if other people in your family have CMT?

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User Profile: Avaboo
Avaboo OP November 29th, 2018

@MonBon the weird thing is no and my friend i met with cmt has the same thing noone in our family does its kinda confusing

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User Profile: MonBon
MonBon November 30th, 2018



User Profile: AffyAvo
AffyAvo December 3rd, 2018

@Avaboo I looked up the genetics of it and it looks like it has pretty complex inhertance patterns - a bunch of different types depending on the specific mutation.

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User Profile: MonBon
MonBon December 4th, 2018


The plot thickens!

User Profile: Avaboo
Avaboo OP December 4th, 2018

@AffyAvo ya its really complicated

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User Profile: Avaboo
Avaboo OP December 7th, 2018

Hey guys!! Sorry i keep doing the facts late!! But todays fact is did you know people with fmt may loose feeling in their hands and feet?

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User Profile: MonBon
MonBon December 7th, 2018


I imagine that is due to the nerve damage in the arms and legs?

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User Profile: Avaboo
Avaboo OP December 7th, 2018

@MonBon yess

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User Profile: MonBon
MonBon December 7th, 2018


Seee I'm learning and paying attention

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User Profile: Avaboo
Avaboo OP December 7th, 2018

@MonBon im glad i can helppp inform people!

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User Profile: Avaboo
Avaboo OP December 17th, 2018

ahh hey guys sorry im late again !!!

buttt i have anotherr fact for you guyssss!

did you know cmt can also be called PMA (perneal muscular atrophy).

I did not knoww ahaha!

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User Profile: AffyAvo
AffyAvo December 17th, 2018

@Avaboo That name makes it a bit more clear I think!

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User Profile: MonBon
MonBon December 17th, 2018

@AffyAvo @avaboo

I agree! I can more easily grasp what it's describing now

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User Profile: Avaboo
Avaboo OP December 17th, 2018

@MonBon I literally didn

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User Profile: Avaboo
Avaboo OP January 14th, 2019

Hey guys sorries i havent posted i was trying to find some facts I thought were good!

and i found one !!!

Is nerve damage from cmt permanent? Yes the nerve damage is permanent

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User Profile: MonBon
MonBon January 14th, 2019


Aww that's so sad :(

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User Profile: Avaboo
Avaboo OP January 14th, 2019

@MonBon it definitely is 😕

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