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Well hello there

BlacKiwi October 31st, 2019

Hi. I'm Excel. I guess I'm here to just get help. Life has been pretty awful and I've been dealing with depression for about 2-3 years. Mind you, it's self-diagnosed so take it with a grain of salt. But I'm pretty sure I have it. Anyways...

I like singing and solving math. I like a bunch of other things too. I hope to make a lot of friends here and I hope to conquer my depression before it gets really bad again.

That's all from me. That's all. Au revoir :)

River November 1st, 2019


Hello Excel, nice meeting you! Welcome to the community, we are glad to have you here. I hope you get the support you are expecting in the community. I like singing too, highfive. What other things do you like doing??

I hope you have a great day/night ahead. Will love to see you around the communiy often! (I remember seeing you in the checkins too <3 )

BlacKiwi OP November 1st, 2019


Nice to meet you too. I like dancing in the mirror and I love self-improvement. I also like writing and making up stories. I considered participating in NaNoWriMo but I didn't think I'd be able to get through. I signed up on the site though. Are you doing NaNoWriMo?

I'm also currently learning French so I'm partly fluent. Still having mild troubles with verb conjugations lol

River November 1st, 2019


I signed up for Nanowrimo too! But idea never hit me, I just wanted to write whatever I felt like with no plans, but guess who is already procrastinating on Day 1? Yep, thats me cheeky Good luck for it! How is it going for you?

Ohh, French is cool!! I so badly wanted to learn it but never got the motiation needed to actually do it

BlacKiwi OP November 1st, 2019


I think I'll do NaNoWriMo. But I can't say for sure if I'll even reach 50,000 words. I don't have a plan, I don't have a plotline. I don't even really have characters. I just have a story idea. Maybe I'll start it later today... (guess we're just procrastinating together now lol)

River November 1st, 2019


You goot thiis!!! <3 Haha day is almost over and I did nothing, maybe tomorrow I shall do something xD

BlacKiwi OP November 1st, 2019


Nahhhhh this is how you're gonna be throughout November. Okay just start. Promise you'll write at least one sentence today before you sleep

Trashrubbish November 1st, 2019


Hello Excel! Glad that you are here!

Feel free to be yourself here. Hope that we can be good friends!

P.s: I like solving maths too :")

BlacKiwi OP November 1st, 2019


Yay! Finally, I've met someone else on this site who doesn't hate math and doesn't find every possible situation to insult it. Let's be friends! (I'm in a good mood today and I like it laugh)

Trashrubbish November 1st, 2019


Happy to know that you are happy! Glad to be your friend, @me anytime you need, and we can have some nice talk/discussion! You did well today, keep up the good work!

BlacKiwi OP November 1st, 2019

@Trashrubbish laugh