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Depressed and Hesitant

User Profile: lavalavau
lavalavau April 25th, 2021

Hi everyone, you can call me lava. Lately, I've been battling some sort of depression, and it take me a lot of effort just to get out of bed or do something really basic(eg. eating or taking a shower). Also I've not be able to do thing in time and keep avoid the resposiblity I need to take, this make me feel even worse. I start to question anything I do wether it's meaningful or not and become hesitant to take action. I hope to know how to deal with my emotions and get better, thank you and wish you all the best.

User Profile: amiableBlackberry92
amiableBlackberry92 April 25th, 2021

Dear Lava, I understand depression very well. I had to get professional help to get my life back. Therapy and medication saved me. I'm so sorry your going thru this dark time. Reach out your hand for help your life will get better. 7 cups is a great place to start!! Best regards, ABB💜

User Profile: easyRaspberries164
easyRaspberries164 April 25th, 2021

@ lavalavau sorry you are going through this. I've been in the same situation for the last two months. It's a difficult place to be. I wish you the best. Here is to hoping to find our way back soon.

User Profile: cocosand
cocosand January 16th

@lavalavau Omg hugging u lavalavu❤️

1 reply
User Profile: lavalavau
lavalavau OP January 16th

@cocosand ty unu <3

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