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lonely birthday

Born1From1an1Egg December 6th, 2021

No one bothered to wish me at a happy birthday or at the least speak to me. I don't know what else I expected, this is just like any other day but it just hurts more on my birthday for whatever reason. The pain of being a forgotten nobody is unbearable anymore.

Never had a birthday party before or anyone to to spend time with on these days which is growing increasingly more depressing for me. There is nothing to get joy out of it and I hate the concept of growing older because of everything else I've missed out on that should be normal for my age. I really wish I had the chance to be anyone else besides myself, this sucks.

sadFox15 December 6th, 2021

@Born1From1an1Egg Happy Birthday!! It is a very special day for you and is always worth celebrating. I'm really sorry to hear that today hasn't been the best feeling day for you. Sending you lots of kind thoughts and hope for nicer feeling days/birthdays to come.

punkrock88 December 6th, 2021

Iron sharpens iron. Volunteer and go help out others and you will definitely meet new friends and they will help you as well. I'm sorry your birthday didn't go as planned and I hope the holiday season outshines this dull moment and brings forth brighter moments.

helpfulOrange2897 December 6th, 2021

@Born1From1an1Egg Happy birthday to you 🎉 I wish you all the happiness in the world because yes you're right you deserve it. Please make the setting special for you. Go out! Have fun! Make it a memorable day for you! I'm sorry that no one has wished you but look closely maybe some people genuinely care for you like your parents or siblings. Try to do some fun things that you've been wanting to do with someone today. This day may be a blessing in disguise for you. It's time for you to make a fresh start! Have a great birthday today! May your wish all come true!

Born1From1an1Egg OP December 7th, 2021


I appreciate it although I don't have siblings and my parents didn't really make mention of it or comment on it too much, just made me feel really lesser. I have nowhere to go out to or anyone to do anything with either.

December 6th, 2021

@Born1From1an1Egg happy birthday! sending you love. ❤️❤️❤️

VelvetInterpersonal2 December 11th, 2021

This is a late one. But happy LAte birthday! Better than never :)