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What am I to say I wonder
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learned hopelessness
Depression Support / by Born1From1an1Egg
Last post
April 1st, 2024
...See more This is mainly just a vent post because I have no one else to talk to. I haven't logged on here in awhile, and nothing much has improved since then when looking back at my old posts. I used to feel soul crushing heartache because of how lonely I was, and still am. After years I finally recently got "used'" to it, and in my final efforts to talk to anyone or attempt to make friends, it made me realize how it only made me feel even worse because it was so trivial to even attempt anymore.  I don't like being alone, I loath it, I imagine talking to someone all the time, but people truly couldn't care less if I disappeared one day just makes me feel worse. I've become so cynical and hopeless I feel like I was meant to be alone forever like it's some type of curse. I just feel so alien from everybody else. 
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Why is friendship impossible
Relationship Stress / by Born1From1an1Egg
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May 17th, 2022
...See more How do people make friends? It's so difficult, I don't know what's wrong with me. I talk to people with the same interest, hobbies and we seem to be a good fit yet they always ghost me without reason. I just feel like I have the plague or something, offline and online.
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Favorite Cartoons
Depression Support / by Born1From1an1Egg
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December 21st, 2022
...See more I don't know if this would actually get any replies but I'm curious if anyone has any cartoons they like and want to share.
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Depression Support / by Born1From1an1Egg
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December 17th, 2021
...See more Friend who has been ghosting me for months now randomly messaged me "Who?" out of nowhere. Can't tell if they literally don't even care enough to remember who I was or sent it as insensitive mockery. I feel rather stupid, realizing this person only ever talked to me to bad mouth their other friends and only used me as someone to complain to. Saying things like they preferred me over them, only to choose them in the end. I guess this is pretty senseless but that single word message really hurt a lot considering it's implying they don't even bother to remember who I am, let alone exist. Can't stop dwelling on that message even though I am aware I shouldn't let this be bothering me this much. I truly don't have anyone, it wouldn't make a difference if I simply stopped existing one day if no cares or remembers I'm here to begin with.
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lonely birthday
Depression Support / by Born1From1an1Egg
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December 11th, 2021
...See more No one bothered to wish me at a happy birthday or at the least speak to me. I don't know what else I expected, this is just like any other day but it just hurts more on my birthday for whatever reason. The pain of being a forgotten nobody is unbearable anymore. Never had a birthday party before or anyone to to spend time with on these days which is growing increasingly more depressing for me. There is nothing to get joy out of it and I hate the concept of growing older because of everything else I've missed out on that should be normal for my age. I really wish I had the chance to be anyone else besides myself, this sucks.
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Just me alone and a silent telephone
Depression Support / by Born1From1an1Egg
Last post
November 14th, 2021
...See more I dwell people who never even spare me a passing thought. For the little 'friendships' that still remain they are just fading away day by day and I haven't made a new friend in years, always leading to failure trying to do so. I have almost no one left but perhaps I would be better off anyway as they offer me nothing but mockery or belittlement. When I dare to speak up about this, which I usually don't and just take it or play along, they take no serious concern or bother to listen to me when I attempt to tell them they are seriously upsetting me. It's so humiliating and hopeless. I have awful self esteem issues and have no support to help aid my problems or attempt to better my awkward social skills. I wonder if friends truly would even make me happy anymore as every friendship is the same story. I don't know what I have to look forward to anymore, I don't seem to find joy in anything. I wish I could share my interest with others at the least but everyday I continue to mindlessly roam around, isolated in my room.
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