Quotes in February!
Share here the wonderful quote someone has told you in the depression support room, that you wish to keep on remembering whenever you are feeling low.
Always be positive Thinker... never tire of telling them how beautiful and strong they are. Never tire of giving them hugs when they need it. Even a box of chocolates out of the blue can help. It won't take it away... but it shows you're there to support her and will never leave her even if she tries to push you away.
Friends are the ones who come to your side and stay with you. It doesn't matter how long you've known a person.
If I turned around and walked away, would you notice I'm gone, Would you even care? When you look at me, do you see the smile on my face, Or do you see the tears I fight to hold in , The fake smile I show to make you happy? Do you see how much I care for you, How much I would risk, And you stepped on that, You broke me to bits, You ended me , I hope your proud ... And I'm not that sad Because how could i loose someone... I never had...? By me @XDinnaaaaX
I guess his heart just wasn't as beautiful as his smile...
It's a shame how many men die in their twenties and don't get buried till their seventies.