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Is it okay for men to cry...?

Lambert October 31st, 2015

I will very soon (hopefully) start a therapy of my deppression, but I'am ashamed of that I just want to sadness is so overwhelming that whenever I see something that makes me happy inside, and my eyes start to water. .-.

Such a shame :) any opinions? I'd love to read yours!

TheWanderer27 October 31st, 2015

Personally, I think it's fine for men, or anyone for that matter, to cry! Crying is such a great way to release pent up emotions, and I hate the fact that men feel they have to be 'tough' all the time and not show any emotions. It's stupid and messed up (and yes, I feel strongly about it!) I think that if you feel the need to cry, whether it's out of sadness or happiness, let it out. :) It doesn't make you any less of a man, if that's what you're worried about. :) Just makes you human.

Good luck with the therapy!


SilverWaterfall October 31st, 2015

Yes! Yes, yes, yes! Never ever feel ashamed of crying, anyone can cry - men, women, anyone! It releases hormones and makes you feel better, cry if you want to - there's no shame in it :D

SilverWaterfall October 31st, 2015

Yes! Yes, yes, yes! Never ever feel ashamed of crying, anyone can cry - men, women, anyone! It releases hormones and makes you feel better, cry if you want to - there's no shame in it :D

BeyondMaxPower October 31st, 2015

I'm a 38 year old man and I've been crying almost uncontrollably, with everything I've been going through. It helps get out pent up emotions. Men crying is fine, I'd actually be afraid of a man who didn't cry feeling how terrible I do. Cry if you are overwhelmed, it's natural and in my case, helpful.

October 31st, 2015


If it's still hard to think it is okay then think about this:

- Who said it isn't?

- Are they always right?

- Who is an expert on what men should/shouldn't do and what qualifies them?

Anyways, your therapist is the least likely person to view you so, they will always be professional about it and will surely only view your crying(if you managed to cry in therapy) in the psychological manner, and won't view it in a judgmental personal manner.

In short, don't worry. Cry. It's cool.

PS: I cry like a baby when I know I want to. My beard is okay with it.

chloe678 October 31st, 2015

I believe that it is ok for both men and women to cry and that we should not be ashamed of it. Sometimes we need to cry to 'let it all out'.

laurensibthorp123 November 1st, 2015

Crying is a normal human action! Everyone cries at times, it's 100% okay for you to cry.

SadSpaceman November 2nd, 2015

Yes! It took me sometime to be comfortable with doing it, but crying helps me relieve some of the pain and emotion I can't always express through words.

intenselyagirl November 2nd, 2015

Yes, of course its okay for men to cry and express emotion. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Both men and women should feel okay to express emotion. Both men and women should be capable to feel strong. Its gender equality.

awakemysoul November 4th, 2015

You are human. Do what will help you become a better you.